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HomeBlogContent MarketingHow to Be a Better Content Marketing Writer: Top Strategies

How to Be a Better Content Marketing Writer: Top Strategies

To become a top-tier content marketer, there are several essential elements that can help you elevate your writing and set yourself apart from the competition. In this blog post, we will delve into some of these crucial aspects that every content marketer should consider when crafting their next masterpiece.

From understanding your target audience to weaving an engaging story, leveraging branding effectively, maintaining high-quality standards, and optimizing for SEO – these essential tips will not only help you become an excellent content writer but also ensure that your content marketing strategy delivers results.

Join us as we explore each aspect in detail and learn how to be a better content marketing writer with actionable insights designed specifically for today’s digital landscape.

 Be Better Content Marketing Writer

#1. Thorough Research

Research is an essential part of content marketing. It helps you understand your target audience, identify the topics they’re interested in, and create content that resonates with them.

Without research, it’s almost impossible to create successful content that drives engagement and leads to conversions.

Start by Identifying Your Target Audience

Knowing who you are creating content for is key to understanding what type of information they need and how best to deliver it.

Start by researching the demographics of your target audience, such as age range, gender, location, etc., then dig deeper into their interests and needs. This will help you craft more effective messages tailored specifically for them.

Analyze Competitors

Researching competitors can give you valuable insights into what works (and doesn’t work) in your industry or niche so that you can develop a better strategy for success. Look at their website design, blog posts, social media presence, etc., and see what kind of content resonates with their followers or customers – this could be anything from video tutorials to infographics or even memes.

You may also want to take note of any keywords they frequently use so that you can incorporate those into your own writing too.

Understand What Content Is Trending

Staying up-to-date on current trends is important when creating content as this ensures that people will actually engage with it rather than ignore it altogether due to its outdatedness. Use tools like Google Trends or Buzzsumo to find out which topics are trending right now so that you can write about something relevant instead of something no one cares about anymore.

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Gather Feedback From Customers/Followers

Gathering feedback from customers/followers is another great way to get an idea of what type of content resonates most with them – ask questions directly via surveys or polls on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and look through comments left on blog posts and videos.

Plus, read reviews left on products/services. All these things provide invaluable insight into how people feel about certain topics, which can help inform future pieces created around those same subjects.

Research should always be done before starting any project related to marketing – whether it’s crafting emails for a new campaign launch or coming up with ideas for a blog post series – because without doing proper research first, there’s no guarantee the end result will be successful in reaching its intended goal(s).

Taking the time upfront saves time down the line when trying to fix mistakes made due to lack of knowledge beforehand – do yourself a favor and “do thy homework” before getting started.

#2. Create Content That Tells Your Story

Once you better understand your audience’s needs and wants, it’s time to start crafting engaging content that will capture their interest from beginning to end.

Whether you’re creating blog posts or videos for your brand or niche, storytelling techniques can be used to make your content more memorable and engaging. As per statistics, people tend to remember 65-70% of the information when it is delivered in the form of a story. 

Therefore, by utilizing storytelling techniques, content creators can craft memorable and engaging experiences for their audiences. Now, here’s what you’re supposed to do. 

Vivid Descriptions

When crafting stories for your audience, use vivid descriptions to create an immersive experience. Describe the setting in detail – from the sights and smells of a bustling city street to the feel of sand between toes on a beach vacation – so readers can imagine themselves in the story.

Interesting Characters

Populate your stories with characters that draw readers in and keep them engaged throughout the narrative arc. Create protagonists with flaws and strengths, antagonists who may not be entirely evil, minor characters with interesting quirks, etc., so readers will become invested in what happens next.

Compelling Plotlines

Keep things interesting by introducing unexpected plot twists into your story arcs. Avoid predictable outcomes by making sure each chapter contains something surprising – like a secret revealed or an unlikely alliance formed – so readers will stay hooked until they reach the climax of your tale.

Use Idioms and Colloquialisms

Use idioms and colloquialisms sparingly but effectively when writing stories for an online audience to give them character and personality while still being informative at its core. This helps make complex topics easier to understand without sacrificing any accuracy or nuance in the process.

Ensure All Elements Are Consistent

Ultimately, ensure all elements of your business are consistent, including website design, customer service interactions (both online and offline), emails sent out through newsletters and marketing campaigns, etc.

This entails utilizing the same fonts and colors across all channels and adding custom graphics or illustrations where feasible. Doing this will guarantee customers always recognize who is behind any message they receive, which should increase loyalty over time if done correctly.

#3. Use Social Media Platforms Strategically

Hereunder we’ve listed some tips on using social media platforms strategically when aiming to become a successful content marketer.

Choose The Right Platforms

Once you know your target audience, choose which social media platforms make sense for them. For example, if you’re targeting millennials, then Instagram might be more suitable than LinkedIn or Twitter. 

Consider each platform’s unique features and capabilities before deciding which suits your needs best.

Create Engaging Content

Creating compelling content is key to capturing people’s attention and keeping them engaged with your brand over time. Think about what kind of stories or visuals would interest users to share with their friends or colleagues. 

Also, consider how often you should post – too much could lead to fatigue, while too little may not get noticed at all.

Utilize Visual Elements

People are naturally drawn towards visual elements like images or videos instead of plain text-based posts, so make sure these are incorporated into every position where possible. 

This could mean using infographics instead of long paragraphs of text or adding GIFs/memes in between sentences, which helps break up the monotony of words on a page.

Leverage Influencers and Partnerships

Connecting with influencers can help amplify reach by tapping into their existing networks – just make sure there’s an authentic connection between both parties first before making any commitments.

Additionally, look for opportunities where partnering up with other brands could benefit both parties, such as cross-promotion initiatives or joint giveaways, etc.

Track Performance Metrics Regularly

Lastly, track performance metrics regularly to identify areas where improvements have been made (or celebrate successes). This includes things like engagement rates (likes/shares), follower growth rate, etc.

Doing this consistently over time will give insight into what works well and allow adjustments based on data rather than guesswork alone.

Utilize social media strategically by posting relevant updates regularly (at least once per week) while also sharing links back to longer pieces on other websites where readers can learn more about whatever topic interests them most at any given time –– this way, everyone wins.

#4. Leverage Branding

For successful content marketing, it is essential to leverage your brand to establish a recognizable presence and stand out from competitors. It helps you build a recognizable presence in the digital world and can make your content stand out from competitors. 

In order to successfully maximize your brand’s reach through content marketing, certain measures should be implemented.

Define Your Brand’s Message

First, define your brand’s message and values. These should be clear so that readers know what they’re getting when they come across your content. 

Incorporate the Message into Visuals

Once these have been established, incorporate them into all of your written pieces as well as any visuals or graphics associated with them. Creating a unique, instantly recognizable aesthetic will help distinguish your brand from competitors in the same space.

Use Consistent Branding Elements

Next, use consistent branding elements throughout your materials—from website design to social media posts to blog articles—to create a unified look and feel for everything associated with your business or product line. 

Incorporate logos, fonts, colors, and images into each piece of content to ensure consistency across channels and platforms for maximum impact on viewers/readers/followers alike.

#5. Use Simple and Clear Messaging

An effective content marketing writer knows how to use simple and clear messaging to engage their audience. Using straightforward language helps readers understand the message quickly, while complex words or phrases can lead to confusion and a lack of interest.

Use Simple English

Using plain English is essential for content writers because it allows readers to comprehend the material without getting distracted by complicated wording. 

Also, writing in an uncomplicated manner helps keep messages concise and focused on the main points being communicated. This approach also makes sure that readers don’t get overwhelmed with too much information at once—which can be off-putting if they are unfamiliar with certain terms or concepts.

Cut Out Lengthy Sentences

To ensure maximum engagement from readers, content marketers should also focus on writing short sentences and paragraphs that are easy to digest. 

Breaking up long blocks of text into smaller chunks makes them more accessible for people who may not have a lot of time or patience when reading online articles or blog posts. It also encourages readers to continue through the piece rather than giving up after one sentence.

Overall, this technique definitely may vary depending on who is consuming the material—for example, those in legal fields may need more technical terminology so that customers understand what products/services are being discussed. However, regardless of the industry jargon used (if any), content writers should always prioritize clarity over complexity when creating their work.

Pro Tip: To instill trust in your audience and show authority, use terms such as ‘guaranteed,’ ‘certified,’ or ‘approved’ to give off an aura of legitimacy that will make people feel secure enough in their decision-making process when signing up or purchasing from you. 

To further bolster any claims made about the product/service, include customer reviews and testimonials from previous customers who have had success with it – this will provide additional evidence for these assertions.

#6. Get Visitors to Take Action

Below we’ve enlisted elements you should include in your text to encourage readers to take action.


Using words that imply exclusivity can be a powerful way to motivate readers to take action. For example, “exclusive,” “limited,” and “private” all suggest that the reader is being given access to something special or unique. 

This creates a sense of urgency and encourages them to act quickly before they miss out on an opportunity. Other words like “elite,” “select,” and “premium” also evoke feelings of privilege and status, making it more likely for readers to click through or sign up for whatever you’re offering.


Another effective strategy is using words that spark curiosity in your readers. Words like “unlock,” “discover,” “reveal,” or “unveil” can create intrigue and make people want to find out what’s behind the curtain so-to-speak. 

Additionally, phrases such as “the secret of…” or “you won’t believe what happened next…” are great ways to pique interest without giving away too much information at once. It’s important not to overpromise, though – make sure your content delivers on its promises.


Creating a sense of urgency with words like “now,” “immediately,” or even just emphasizing certain time frames (like 24 hours) will encourage people who may otherwise procrastinate into taking action right away instead of waiting until later when they forget about it altogether. 

Other terms such as ‘hurry,’ ‘rush,’ and ‘quickly’ also help drive home the message that this offer won’t last forever – so don’t wait around if you want in.

Authority and Trustworthiness

Finally, instilling trust in your audience by showing authority is key for getting visitors to take action confidently. Use terms such as ‘guaranteed,’ ‘certified,’ or ‘approved,’ etc., which give off an air of legitimacy that makes people feel secure enough in their decision-making process when signing up or purchasing from you, etc.

You could also include customer reviews or testimonials from previous customers who have had success with your product/service – this will provide further proof backing up any claims made about said product/service.

#7. Optimize for Seo

SEO is a crucial part of any content marketing strategy. By optimizing your content for search engines, you can increase visibility and reach more potential customers. Here are some tips to help you get started with SEO optimization.

Choose the Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is essential when it comes to SEO optimization. According to Ahrefs, 0.16% of the most popular keywords are responsible for 60.67% of the searches. 

Research relevant keywords that will bring in targeted traffic and use them strategically throughout your content. Make sure to include them in titles, headings, meta descriptions, and body copy, as well as image alt tags and URLs.

Create Quality Content

Quality matters when it comes to SEO optimization – not just quantity. Focus on creating high-quality content that provides readers value while incorporating the appropriate keywords into your posts.

Additionally, make sure all of your pages have unique titles and meta descriptions so they stand out from competitors’ sites in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Optimize Your Site Structure

An organized site structure makes it easier for both users and search engine crawlers to navigate through your website. Create an easy-to-follow hierarchy by organizing pages into categories or sections based on topics related to what you offer or blog about.

This will help visitors find what they need quickly without clicking through too many links before reaching their destination page.

Link Building

Link building is another important aspect of SEO optimization since external links signal trustworthiness and relevance. Backlinks from other websites boost credibility with Google algorithms which increases rankings over time if done correctly.

Try guest blogging on other industry blogs or create valuable resources like infographics or ebooks that link back to your own website—just be sure not to take shortcuts here; only link back from quality sources!

Follow Best Practices

Lastly, always stay up-to-date with best practices regarding keyword usage frequency per post length as well as title tag lengths, etc., so you don’t risk getting penalized by Google’s algorithm updates down the line due to a lack of compliance.

Alt Text

Alt text is used to describe images on a webpage, but it also serves as another opportunity to add keyword-rich descriptions that can help improve rankings. Incorporate target keywords into alt text whenever possible to ensure maximum SEO potential for every piece of content you create or curate.

URL Structure

The URL structure should be short, concise, and descriptive—including target keywords if applicable—so users know exactly where they’re going when clicking through from SERPs. 

For example, instead of using “www.[yourwebsite].com/1234/5678” use something like “www.[yourwebsite].com/seo-tips-for-content-marketers” instead.

Above all else, focus on creating high-quality content that provides value to readers rather than stuffing pages full of irrelevant keywords just to boost rankings. This could actually hurt how Google perceives your site over time. 

Instead, prioritize providing useful information related to the topic at hand while including key phrases throughout naturally as needed without compromising readability or relevancy. This will not only keep visitors engaged longer but also encourage them to come back again later down the line too.


Content marketing is a continuously developing field, necessitating commitment to become an accomplished content marketer. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can use storytelling and branding techniques to elevate your content strategy. 

More, focus on quality over quantity, optimize for SEO when possible, know your audience well before writing any piece of content, and make sure that every post tells a story about your brand or niche – these are all key steps towards becoming a successful content marketer. 

Know that with practice comes mastery, so be persistent in improving yourself as a professional writer if you want to be a better content marketing writer truly.

Become a content marketing pro and get ahead of the competition by learning how to write better, engage your audience, and build an online presence with CurationSoft. Take action today for lasting success tomorrow!

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